Friday, October 21, 2016

3 weeks later

A lot has happened since I last updated. I got off my crutches, so there's a positive. A few negative things have also been thrown in there, but we'll get to those. For right now, I wanna focus on the positive! Physical Therapy has started, which is a daily shocking with e-stem followed by range of motion and then straight leg lifts. My school has a pool so I'm kind of excited for that, but also nervous. We had volleyball senior night with of course equals all the feels.

Senior Night with two of my favorite people. Yes,
I'm the one in the knee brace. 
I got to visit a college for basketball which was fun and I'm hoping they'll call me back with good news, etc. My brace hopefully comes off Monday at the appointment with my surgeon and then next Wednesday will be one month post op! Lots of excitement! My scars are itchy, but only the one where they grafted my hamstring is the nasty looking one. I've been having a good time trying to get full extension and walk normal as well.

Now to get to the negatives. Today in my psychology class we were talking about anger and something that really hurt us and I started talking about my injury. I'm not really the type to talk it out and tell other people how I feel especially about this. I cried a little bit of course, and for the rest of the day, I felt off. I got a phone call I thought I was ready for, but I really wasn't. Today hasn't been the greatest day, admittedly, but I still am not sure how to put how I feel into words.

Like I said in previous posts, there's gonna be ups and downs. For me, right now, I'm kind of down, but I always put on my brave face and keep smiling.

That's pretty much all I got for this week other than I'm tired, but my leg hurts a little less each and everyday.... my heart too.

Until next week, peeps.

Happy Healing,

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